Azura 2x Taq Mix 200 reactions

Azura 2x Taq Mix 200 reactions

Azura Taq DNA Polymerase 5,000 units

Azura Taq DNA Polymerase 5,000 units

Azura 2x Taq Mix 1000 reactions

Azura 2x Taq Mix 1000 reactions

Azura 2x Taq Mix 200 reactions

Azura 2x Taq Mix is a ready-to-use master mix optimized for high-yield PCR amplification with a wide range of DNA templates.
Size: 200 rxns/ 4 x 1.25 mL


Azura 2x Taq Mix is a ready-to-use master mix optimized for high-yield PCR amplification with a wide range of DNA templates. The high-performance 2x formulation is comprised of Azura Taq polymerase, a proprietary PCR enhancer, and reaction buffer with optimal levels of dNTPs and MgCl2. The easy-to-use Azura 2x Taq Mix requires the addition of only template, primers and water and therefore reduces the number of pipetting steps for better reproducibility.